Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

Happy New Year!

So I've already had quite a few firsts this year already.
-first screw up
-first serious fight with the hubby
-first cry
-first kiss and make-up
-first allergy/asthma attack
-first errand running
-first blog entry

As you can see this year is just like any other-full of firsts. I don't like new year resolutions because I never actually follow through on them all year round, but I do want this year to be full of firsts. Well more firsts than last year at least. I want to do more and see more I guess. I want to read more books this year than last. I want to go to an actual concert this year. I want to write more. I want to help others more and volunteer. I want to start hiking. I want to continue eating healthy and living a healthier lifestyle. I want to go deeper in my relationship with God. I want to get more involved in our church. I want to love on my family more. I want to spend more time with friends and see my bestfriend more. I want to have people come over and have a good time. This shall be the year of more. More HOPE.

But I'm afraid to write these things because I don't want to disappoint my future self a year from now. I don't want to look back and see missed opportunities. 2011 was hard, but I learned soo much about myself, Garrett, God, family, friendship, and how I want to live. I want to live with Hope in my heart--the only Hope that comes from someone greater than me and this world. God has given me a new Hope, and I want to carry that Hope into this new year. No new year resolutions, just a Hope for a better year than last.

love, Her

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